Tips on Writing a Descriptive Essay

The most important part of the testing in school usually involves writing an essay and your ability to write an essay can give you an edge over your classmates while being selected for admission in collage. It’s common among students to be afraid of writing essays as it is easier to study facts than to write them in the form of an essay. If you are able to produce good essays in exam or entrance tests it can sometimes make all the difference in acing or just passing the exam. If you want to impress your readers then the best way to do it is by writing a descriptive essay.

  1. Using Your Imagination
  2. While writing a descriptive essay about a place you have been to, the first thing you do before picking up your pen or turning on your computer is close your eyes and envision it as if you were there. Imagine and observe every little detail about the scenery. Suppose you are envisioning a scenery involving a beach then you must be able to imagine details like the height of waves, the temperament of the ocean, the vegetation and the topography. While you are imagining all this you must be able to tell how you see everything and what words would you use to describe them to you. Now you are ready to start writing yourdescriptive essay.

  3. Free Use of Adjectives
  4. When you are writing descriptive essays then you must freely use descriptive words. If you are describing the sunlight then add an adjective to define how bright the sun is. Every sentence must contain at least two to three adjectives. Imagine everything how it looks, feels and makes you feel. If you are writing that the sun was giving off so much heat that it was difficult to walk in it then make sure you make the readers feel it too.

  5. Take Easy On Criticizing Your Work

You might feel that the descriptive essay you have written seems unrealistic or stupid but you must take a chance and describe things as you see them. Envision that place you think might seem stupid and portray it as you think it is without being too cautious. What makes a good descriptive essay is your ability to describe well the scene as you see it without caring if people would appreciate your work or not.

While writing a descriptive essay you must first imagine completely the place you want to describe. Your descriptive essay must have an abundance of adjectives to do complete justice to the description and you should also be able to fearlessly describe the scene as you see it.

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