How to write an essay (part 5)

Writing an essay is not an easy thing to do. You need to have a topic to begin with. It is also important that you are prepared by creating an outline and have a good and plenty of unique ideas that will inspire you in the process of writing an outstanding essay. Only a diligent writer can submit an essay on time of the deadline. It is a challenging yet rewarding task specially for the gifted writers. Although you cannot avoid making mistakes along the process of writing an essay you can surely learn from the mistakes that you did in the past. That is why it is important to have your work proof read by an expert. It is crucial that a writer finishes his job not only to beat the deadline but also to make an impact to the readers of his essay.

Wrting an essay is a challenging job which requires inovitive work. However writing a research papaer needs more fundamental knowledge than inovation. A research paper should be simple to understad and descriptive enough to clear all the doughts of readers. Remeer that writing is not a god gifted art but every one can develope it by practice. To write an diligent paper first one sholud decide the deadline.

The most crucial part is introduction as it briefs about the topic and states the idea or question that gave inspiration to cinduct the research. Next task is describing the methods. Methods should follow result with perseverance of the sequance used in methods. Ideally result should not include the reasons. Its better to put the reasons in discussion part. Here one can support his findings by referencing previously published work. Generally it is said that discussion is the most difficult thing to write. But if you keep clear distinction between result and discussion its quite easier. Finally conclude the paper by giving the important massage or take home massage to the readers.

This style of writing is known as IMRAD method. Which is adopted by many publications. The article written with IMRAD method without any mistakes has the highest chance of getting published.

Any good academician is known for his or her expert in writing research papers.What is most crucial to writing a research paper is that the person should abide by the deadline and constantly look out for innovative writing skills. Writing an academic paper is indeed a challenging task which requires a diligent writer gifted not only in writing skills but also perseverance as one has needs to dedicate time to this task with full concentration. Therefore writing a research paper is not an easy task but a demanding one.

Go to part 6

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